
Our range of technical services falls between two major categories; Property and Construction. The former relates to services provided to existing buildings and the latter involves the construction of new buildings or significant alterations of existing premises. Click on either of the logos below and interrogate our services on the menu provided

We can act for either landlords or tenants, we conduct a thorough site survey, looking at all aspects of the building fabric to determine the likely cost of rebuilding in the event of fire, flood or other catastrophe resulting in a major claim. We use published cost data combined with in-house costs from similar tendered projects to accurately determine rebuilding costs.

Dependent upon the drafting of the lease, the Landlord will place a restriction on the extent of alteration, extension or other changes and improvements to a property that the Tenant can undertake during the term of the lease without first gaining Landlord’s consent. Alterations undertaken by Tenants during a lease term (both with and without Landlord’s consent) need to be considered and approved, amended or otherwise to protect the landlord’s asset and other tenant’s occupation.

We can act for either landlords or tenants, to prepare an accurate record of the premises condition at the time of survey; containing both a written commentary and photographic evidence. Commonly used by tenants to limit repairing obligations in older property.

The majority of commercial tenancies (excluding serviced offices) will have obligations concerning the form and condition of the premises. A failure to comply with such obligations will give rise to a claim for what is commonly known as dilapidations. For any sizeable dilapidations claim both the landlord and the tenant will appoint professional representatives, we are highly experienced in performing this role for either party. Our knowledge covers both a comprehensive knowledge of building construction and reasonable understanding of the often complex legal principles in this area of law. It is not uncommon for solicitors to be involved in dilapidations claims, perhaps in the formal service of the claim itself, or in the interpretation of the lease covenants.

The lease will prescribe the process for serving a repairs notice and the implications for the tenant of non-compliance. Non-compliance by the tenant could lead to the landlord carrying out the works themselves using the Jervis v Harris clause in the lease.

A ‘day-one’ assessment of likely terminal dilapidations liabilities (scope and cost) to enable tenant’s to set-aside adequate monies for the terminal liability and to prepare a strategy for mitigation of the same.

A party wall divides the buildings of two owners with the boundary usually, but not always, positioned at the centre of the wall. The Party Wall Act 1996 recognises two forms of party walls: a wall that stands astride the boundary of land belonging to two (or more) different owners and a wall that stands wholly on one owner’s land, but is used by two (or more) owners to separate their buildings. Our surveyors can help identify a party wall or advise on any disputes, as well as any obligations to maintain and manage them.

We can advise on issues arising from boundary disputes, including how boundaries are defined and how they can be identified and explain the role of plans in both conveyances and at the Land Registry and give detailed practical advice on measuring boundaries. We can also draft an expert's report and appear in court if required.

We will be able to help you determine if a rights to light easement exists, the calculation and assessment of rights of light, the remedies available, and circumstances where damages may be available instead of an injunction. We will also be able to take you through the typical process for agreeing a negotiated financial settlement.

Expert evidence can be required in disputes across land, property and construction. Our expert witnesses are able to assist the court on the matters within our expertise across areas including building surveying, commercial property and dilapidations.